I managed to get the dongle in a good mood this morning and found when I checked my blog that half the photo's I thought I'd posted on my last entry were missing - this has now been rectified so please re-read the post!! As well as finding out that the lovely Beth from over at The Linen Cat has nominated me for a beautiful blog award - woop woop!
So in order to accept the award I have to tell you all 7 random things about myself. Here goes.
1. I have 2 degrees! I gained my 1st at 21 having gone through the education system as is expected and got a BA(Hons) Education & English. I used to be a primary school teacher and when I had 'Little Miss H' (who is 7 in a couple of weeks!) I decided to have a career change and so went back to university and re-trained as a paediatric nurse!
2. I have a Japanese Akita dog. Oh No! I hear you all cry a dangerous dog with young children - rest assured she is not trained to kill and would probably lick you to death before eat you, but that is a whole other discussion!!

3. I am a bit on the post children podgy side and have embarked today on my final lose weight, tone-up scheme ever. I say this because this time I intend to stick to it and win my battle of the bulge! I need to be/will be slimmer and more toned for my wedding/holiday this July!
4. I am a parent governor at my children's school.
5. I just love coffee, freshly made on the stove, Italian style. Actually I'm wanting to buy a proper coffee maker but as they cost so much I'm a bit worried about buying one that is then rubbish so if anyone has any recommendations let me have 'em!
6. I LOVE 'GLEE'!!
7. I think we're going to emigrate to New Zealand in 2012.
Well there you have them 7 random facts about myself! I now need to pass the award onto two other blogs so I would like to nominate:
Karen at Blueberry Park and Louise at Sew Scrumptious.I find both their blogs a great read and very inspiring and look forward to their new posts. I would however at this stage like to thank all of you who read my blog, especially those who take the time to comment and to those of you who simply 'lurk' - go on make a comment it opens up a whole new world! Thanks again.