Its time to confess. I've been a very naughty girl and bought way too much fabric than I actually require this week! Ooops.
First up I ordered from the brilliant Seamstar, who by the way for today only are offering £1 postage on all orders under £45, of course if you spend over £45 its free postage anyway. Click the link to take you straight there and just add a note when checking out '£1 delivery offer', you will then be refunded the difference in the postage. Voila! If you order by 3pm Courtney posts it out guaranteed the same day - it could be with you by tomorrow!!!
Here's what arrived for me yesterday in the post::
The largest parcel at the back is from Seamstar, the middle envelope if all the way from the USA and is the materials I need to make my first blocks for the Fresh Modern Bee 2, exciting stuff! The smaller package at the front is more fabric heaven, this time courtesy of Saints and Pinners.
Here is a look at what I ordered from Saints and Pinners. I was just perusing as you do, looking for inspiration for colours that can go into the two stashes that will eventually be turned into quilts for 'Little Miss H' and 'Master M'. I spied the stripe fabric first which is actually on sale and is the kind of colours I'm looking for for 'Little Miss H' quilt so I thought I'd better get some before it sold out! Its Heather Bailey Pop Garden, Zig Zag stripe in Peach. The aqua fabric I've had my eye on for a while for 'Master M's' stash, its Lizzy House, Pearl Bracelet in Pond and clearly since I was ordering one I had to order the other!!!

Now my parcel from Seamstar was just brilliant, first off was this little lot, lovingly wrapped in turquoise tissue and bound with a pink ribbon.

Now these lovelies are again stash bound and will probably end up in said little people's quilts too. They are from left to right: Patty Young - Mezzanine, Gothic Flower in Pink, My Minds Eye - Wheels, Microdot in Blue and finally Keiki - Tweet Tweet, Circles in Cloud.
The next lot of fabric I received was a real treat! I ordered 4.5m in total of Anna Maria Horner Voiles to make my wedding dress with. Yay! Courtney did me proud and wrapped it extra special with a lovely hand written note. I think you'll agree it looks stunning wrapped in a soft net with beautiful pale pink organza ribbon.

And here are the contents! From left to right AMH Voile in Four Square Sweet, Froth and Forest Hills Sweet. Gorgeous.

Woop woop, 7 weeks and counting until we go to the states for the holiday of a lifetime and to get married. I will of course be blogging about my wedding dress coming together as well as the making of the bridesmaids dresses (which is starting tonight, my sister-in-law is helping!) which are to be made from AMH too!
Finally as I am blogging Mr.Postman has bought me the last of the fabric ordered, this time from Fabric Rehab. I headed over there as I wanted some Alexander Henry, Willow Grove and Seamstar had sold out. Now though I like Fabric Rehab for unusual, quirky fabric and I have bought from them a few times, I just don't get that same warm feeling inside like I do when I order from Seamstar or S&P. I think there are a few reasons for this, the website can be difficult to navigate at times and mainly I just don't get excited when Mr. Postman comes as the fabric is just posted in a polybag, no tissue no ribbons. Boo Hoo!

So here's what I ordered. On the left is the Alexander Henry Willow Grove in Red and Orange and on the right is Cutie Pie Dolls by the Japanese designer Hoodie. Love them both! Both for the stash. Now as an added bonus (because my little mind didn't fail me for once) I got this for
free in my parcel from
Fabric Rehab!

I vaguely remembered a half page advert in this months 'Sew Hip' that I kind of remembered was offering a freebie with all orders placed, so without further a do I hunted down said copy and yes, with a special code this month only 'Sew Hip' readers could get a free mini fabric bundle whilst stocks lasted. It seems stocks have lasted as I managed to get one!!! Here are the contents of which I'll track down the designers later.

So here's to a fabric filled week, hopefully some major progress on the bridesmaids dresses this weekend and a few beers seen as though its a bank holiday, though I am working Sat & Sun night which is a bummer! Especially since I'm leaving Mr. G and the little people in Bridlington for the whole weekend and coming back home to work. Poo!
PS. Don't forget to order from Seamstar today for just £1 postage!!!